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Cyber and Crime

Cyber risk according to the media

Cyber crime risk isn't what you think

The media would have you think that financial crime is committed by hoodie-wearing, Guy-Fawkes-mask-sporting hackers in shadowy rooms surrounded by multiple computer terminals, feverishly tapping away at their keyboards to intercept your e-mail and read your every secret.

That might make good television drama, but it's not really the risk you should be most concerned with. It does happen of course, but I suspect that the media latches onto this trope because it makes the viewer feel powerless and unable to prevent the prototypical Russian wunderkind (in hoodie and mask, natch) from stealing his bank credentials.

What are more realistic risks?

Notice how these are all human risks?

Mitigations and safeguards

You can trust, but verify first

Every single one of my clients over the decades who've suffered embezzlement or financial crime by a (formerly) trusted staff member would have sworn black-and-blue that the crime was impossible and could not happen. But don't forget that things go wrong in people's lives - all it takes is a drug or gambling addiction, and your 20+ year lifelong staff member can rob you blind. Trust your staff, but please verify.

Insurance is helpful if things have gone wrong, but it's better to prevent disasters before they happen. With decades of experience in no-nonsense risk management advice, I can help guide you through the risk management process and help make simple changes in your business or activities to protect your staff, volunteers, clients, and your bottom line. I'm here to help make your life easy.