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Disaster recovery plans 101

Disaster recovery plans 101

What's involved in disaster recovery planning?

Short Term Insurance

Short Term Insurance

You can buy insurance for short-term events, but it's not usually cost-effective. Get expert advice.

Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating

Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating

Don't purchase insurance unless you understand how it works and how you may make a claim. Get expert advice.

Professional Indemnity insurance

Professional Indemnity insurance

Professional indemnity insurance appears counter-intuitive and is not an "off-the-shelf" insurance product. Get expert advice.

Sole traders and partnerships

Sole traders and partnerships

Sole trader or partnership or Pty Ltd or company trust? Consider the risks before putting your house up as collateral on your business.

The best machine you cannot buy

The best machine you cannot buy

There won't be a pension forever - make sure you protect your own livelihood in case of catastrophe.

Insure your business not activities

Insure your business not activities

Describing your business for the purposes of insurance and risk is an art not a science. Get expert advice.

Home and Market Based Business

Home and Market Based Business

A side hustle is still a business, and things can go wrong. Get expert advice on how to protect yourself for low cost.

You need Terms and Conditions

You need Terms and Conditions

You're exposed to legal problems if you don't protect yourself with comprehensive terms and conditions around your service.

Strata insurance 201

Strata insurance 201

Strata insurance is not the same as home building insurance; get advice as to the differences.

Strata insurance 101

Strata insurance 101

Strata insurance is comparatively inexpensive, but it is not the same as home buildig insurance.

Works or services contract risks to beware

Works or services contract risks to beware

Contracts aren't your friends; don't ignore written contracts because they're boring. Let me help translate them.

WA workers compensation insurance

WA workers compensation insurance

Workers' compensation can be a minefield and non-intuitive, make sure you get expert advice on what you need.

Public liability insurance

Public liability insurance

Not all liability insurances are the same, and no single insurance protects against everything.

Get insurance claims paid

Get insurance claims paid

A simple 4-step plan to get your insurance claim paid quickly and appropriately. Get expert advice before you claim.

Solve problems not purchase products

Solve problems not purchase products

Buy insurance to solve your problems, not just comply with a requirement.

Cyber and Crime

Cyber and Crime

Computer crime is on the rise, but you're not helpless. Get expert advice on how to reduce your exposure.

No Nonsense Risk Management

No Nonsense Risk Management

Follow a simple 5-step process to manage risk in your business and protect yourself.

No Profit Doesn't Mean No Risk

No Profit Doesn't Mean No Risk

You're still responsible for injury or damage related to your non-profit; make sure you protect your committee members.

Importance of Contract Reviews

Importance of Contract Reviews

Contracts aren't written to be in your favour. Get expert advice before you sign your life away.