Don't sign your life away

It might sound silly, but usually the party asking you to sign a contract has spent money on ensuring that the contract suits their interests more than yours. What is written in black and white in the contract rarely matches what you've been told, and it usually contains language to say that the written contract supersedes every agreement or handshake contract you've had before. We can read before you sign

Should you read everything before you sign?

Well, yes. But realistically, are you going to? Do you really have time to spend cross-referencing every word and phrase in the contract to ensure it matches what you expect?

Being brutally honest, most people find reading contracts, the back side of purchase orders, and application forms to be boring.

Why it matters

The person who enforces the contract won't be the person you did the deal with. It'll probably be enforced by a solicitor on the other side of Australia who hasn't met you, doesn't know what you do, and neither knows nor cares why things went so wrong. They'll be going purely by what the contract says and what you signed, even though you probably didn't read what you were signing.

So outsource it to me

I'm not a solicitor, and I don't claim to be. However, I've been around the block plenty of times and have read just about every mining, construction, and works contract out there. I can translate the contract into plain English, point out any unusual or problematic clauses, and help you negotiate with the principal to make the agreement suit you.

Risk is more than insurance

There's more to any contract than the boring bit titled "Insurance". You need to make sure you're not being exposed to unrealistic expectations, that there's a good force majeure clause to assist if things go wrong, that you're not being asked to indemnify others for matters outside your control, and that you're not financially liable for matters of opinion.

Talk to Cleversure today

With decades of experience in contract review and negotiation, I can help make your life easy.

Affordable · Smart · Pragmatic

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