0439 510 152

No Profit Doesn't Mean No Risk

The law is as brutal on not-for-profits as it is on business

You'd probably agree that taking risks is part of life. And when you're reaping financial reward in return for those risks, you can afford to back yourself against compensation claims.

But if you're working out of the goodness of your own heart, it's hard to stomach being personally legally liable for accidents and things going wrong. Chances are that the not-for-profit you work for hasn't budgeted to cover your personal legal woes.

Get expert advice

If you're a committee member of an association or community group, you're most like a PCBU (person conducting a business or undertaking) and so you'll have statutory as well as moral obligations to ensure the safety of workers, volunteers, and members of the public.

And the public can be quite demanding - expecting perfection and immaculate professionalism at all times. When things go wrong and someone is injured, property damaged, or simply feelings have been hurt, you have reputational risk as well as possibly demands for monetary compensation to meet.

Volunteers have risks too

Insurance is available for some issues; and others can be resolved with robust risk management procedures.

Are you confident in the advice you've received?

If your advisor hasn't already discussed Association Liability, Cyber, Management Liability, Professional Indemnity, Defamation & Publishing Risk, and comprehensive Public and Products Liability insurances with you, then you need better advice.

Those insurances are not all the same, and some may be more important for you than others. And if your adviser hasn't explained the secret behind comprehensive Home Contents insurance for each committee member and volunteer, then again you need better advice.

Advice not Sales

With decades of experience helping charities, community groups, and not-for-profit beneficiaries, I can help you with no-nonsense advice at little to no cost at all. Australia needs more volunteers and helping volunteer groups out is part of my community service to you.