0439 510 152

Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating

Would you buy a car without test-driving it ?

That sounds like a silly question - of course you want to test-drive a car before you commit to purchasing it. That's just common sense. But in my experience, people regularly purchase insurance without first considering how to use that insurance.

You buy insurance to make claims

Again that sounds obvious, but the purpose of insurance is to financially protect you if something goes wrong. So just like the car example, you should discuss the claim process with your broker ahead of time. Don't wait until something's gone wrong before you find out whether the insurance was actually suitable for you or not!

Injury to shoulder

Test run of personal accident insurance

This test-run is extremely important when it comes to protecting the best machine you cannot buy - i.e. you, yourself! Many insurance brokers promote personal accident & illness insurance, but fail to adequately explain the pros and cons of the policy.

Personal accident and illness insurance is perfectly adequate for what it is - it's a low cost and easy-to-purchase income replacement insurance against accidental injury or unexpected illness. However, it has some serious drawbacks:

If you have personal accident insurance in place, were you aware of all of these drawbacks? If no, you need better advice than you're currently receiving.

Advice not insurance

With decades of experience in no-nonsense risk management, I specialise in advising Australian small business in managing risks and appropriate insurance selection. Don't assume that everything you see on TV is true - get real advice from someone with your best interests at heart before you commit to insurance products.