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No Nonsense Risk Management

Risk management doesn't need to be hard

Have you had a "risk management professional" show you this chart before?


Does this chart help you run your business, your committee, your volunteer group, or your life in any way at all?

Risk managers love this chart

Life contains risk, and we all decide what risks we can handle

Thinking about risk in a formal way is a good thing, and doing so will strengthen your business. It's not hard to do, and won't require a large time investment.

Five simple steps

  1. Brainstorm what might go wrong in your business or upcoming activity.
  2. Come up with ways to prevent or reduce the likelihood of that happening.
  3. Work out how you would know if that thing had actually occurred.
  4. Implement 2.
  5. Review the outcome of 3 on a regular basis, and start again at 1.

That's it

The key thing is to document your risk management. You don't need to do it in an ISO 9000 style formal binder with "document control" tags and "last revised by" signatures (unless you do for your ISO compliance!). But if you don't write it down and make your instructions easily accessible to your staff, none of your work here will be used.

Risk is more than insurance

Insurance is helpful if things have gone wrong, but it's better to prevent disasters before they happen. With decades of experience in no-nonsense risk management advice, I can help guide you through the risk management process and help make simple changes in your business or activities to protect your staff, volunteers, clients, and your bottom line. I'm here to help make your life easy.